ages 2-5
Pre-school children learn about Jesus through a variety of hands-on activities, including story time, songs, crafts, and snack.
grades 1-4
Children in K-4th grade gather in Trinity Chapel for P.O.P. (Praise, Offering, Prayer), then break into groups to “rotate” through various workshops during a 4-week unit that focuses on the same Bible story.
grade 5
Students in 5th grade receive a Bible and spend the year getting to know God's Word together.
ages 2-12th grade
The Faith Stepping Stones program is designed to help parents, grandparents, and other mentors uphold the responsibilities entrusted to them at a child's baptism.
grades 6-8
Our Confirmation program includes large and small group study on Sunday mornings. Youth work with mentors and small group leaders. Areas of study include the Old & New Testaments, Lutheran History & Catechism, and Lutheran Living.
grades 9-12
Sr. High students come together each Sunday for a cup of coffee and conversation as they encourage one another through study, discussion, and prayer.
Currently, two adult groups meet on Sunday mornings. The Resurrection class is a study-based group with opportunities for service and fellowship outside of class. The LIFE class is also a discussion-based group and holds a monthly social gathering. Additional studies are held during the week.